Snow Removal FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

We want to make sure that we properly set expectations so you are completely happy with our service.

Where do you provide service?
Our Service Area includes very select areas of several cities surrounding and including Blaine, MN.
When does your service season begin and end?
November 1st - April 15th
What type of services do you provide?
We offer a driveway-only service package. We do not currently offer shoveling, salting service, rooftop snow removal, or any on-call services.
Is there a minimum snowfall required for service?
Our service covers all snowfalls of more than 1" of new snow accumulation in a single snow event.
Do you clear the end of the driveway after city plows?
Depending upon the service level of the city, we will clear the snow at the end of the driveway left by the city plows. Typically only for snow events with over two inches of accumulation.
What time of day will you clear my driveway?
We operate 24 hours a day. Our start times are based solely on the snow fall. On average we will start at four inches or less snowfall for larger snow events. For smaller snow events, we will wait until the snow has completed before starting operations.
When can I expect my driveway to be completed after a snow event?
All of our routes are built to be completed within 6-7 hours however there are a couple factors to be taken into account like when the storm actually finishes, how much snow has fallen and what is forecasted, and will the city be clearing residential side streets or not.
When will driveway markers be installed and removed?
We typically install the markers 2-3 weeks before the start of the season and remove the driveway markers within 2 weeks of the end of the season.
Does your equipment make a lot of noise?
Our equipment makes 1/10th the noise of a traditional walk-behind snow blower! Plus, we are in and out of your driveway in under 2 minutes minimizing the amount of disturbance caused to both you and your neighbours. In all likelihood you probably won’t even realize that we are there!
Is your equipment heavy and will it damage my driveway?
No. The tractor and blower will not crack your asphalt or interlocking stone. Although it looks large the weight of the machine is evenly distributed over the extra-large surface area of its tires, so that there is actually more weight per square inch being applied to your asphalt by your own car than by our tractors! And, our drivers are trained to lower their blowers in a controlled manner so that unnecessary jolts to the asphalt by the blower are minimized during the snow blowing process. Furthermore, driveway markers are installed on the edges of your driveway to identify the boundaries of the asphalt so that the drivers do not drive on your grass! Snow blowing with a tractor is one of the gentlest methods in the industry at the moment for clearing snow from your driveway!
Do you spread salt on the driveway if it is icy?
No, salt has been known to cause grass damage. If it is applied to the surface of your driveway it will be dispersed onto your lawn during subsequent visits to your property with our snowblowers. In the event of freezing rain therefore, it is the homeowner’s responsibility to apply any necessary abrasives.
Will you clear snow in front of my mailbox
No, we do not clear in front of mailboxes. Our snowblowers and tractor tires are large and not capable of getting close enough to the mailboxes without damage.

iceworks is a division of Eighty Eight Services LLC

2041 105th Ave NE, Blaine MN 55449

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